Position Descriptions

Thinking of Being on the Executive Board…

1st VP of Leadership – assist President, as well as overseeing specific programs (i.e. Gifting Committee)
2nd VP of Programs– oversees PTA sponsored programs as a whole
3rd VP of Fundraising– oversees Fundraising efforts as a whole
Recording Secretary
Financial Secretary
Parliamentarian– appointed position

Want to Join a Standing Committee…

Classroom Programs
Communications/Web – in addition to the CSS PTA Facebook and website management, this position also runs the webstore
Volunteer Coordinator
* The above positions are overseen by 1st VP *

Other Important Program Chairs…

Founders Day Tea + Honorary Services
Reflections Program – every year has a different theme announced by PTA
* The above positions are overseen by 2nd VP *

Looking for a specific CSS event to join…

Jog-a-Thon (JAT) Committee
This is our largest school fundraiser and is a great opportunity to encourage fitness while raising money for the school.

  • Time Commitment: 1-2 hr weekly planning committee
  • Season: FALL
  • Volunteers help to plan, set-up & take down the event, and staff the various stations on the day of the event. Stations include – Marking off laps, cheering for the kids, handing out water and healthy snacks after their run, and supervising students during the run.  Also responsible for prize structure/incentives and distribution.

Read-a-Thon Committee
This is the other school fundraiser and is a great opportunity to foster a love of reading while raising money for the school.

  • Time Commitment: 1-2 hr weekly planning committee
  • Season: SPRING
  • Volunteers help to plan the online event.  It is run using same fundraising platform as JAT.  Also responsible for prize structure/incentives and distribution.

Red Ribbon Week
The purpose of Red Ribbon Week is to present a unified, positive and visible commitment toward a safe and drug-free America. At Center Street we focus specifically on promoting awareness about bullying and making good choices

  • Time Commitment: 1-2 hour shifts at the event
  • Season: FALL
  • Volunteers will plan for & distribute information to teachers about classroom challenges/ incentives to get students excited about the activities during Red Ribbon week.
  • Volunteers will post signs and/or decorations around campus as needed.

Room Parent (1-2 per class)
Do you love organization, creativity and fun? Do you like to party? Do you love helping out your teachers and classroom?

  • Time Commitment: 6-8 hrs/month
  • Season: FALL / WINTER / SPRING
  • As a Room Parent, you will coordinate with classroom teachers to plan class celebrations for the year (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Winter Holiday, Spring Party and End of the Year).
  • You work with the teachers, the PTA and other parents in the class to organize other classroom activities. This could be anything from chaperoning a field trip, to planning holiday surprises for teachers, to encouraging classroom parent involvement in school wide programs and fundraisers!
  • PTA will give you information you need to do the job, and will host a Room Parent & Teacher Luncheon, so you can meet with your classroom teacher to plan for the year.

Run 4 Education Coordinator for CSS
This fun city-wide event is run by all of the schools in El Segundo, working together to raise funds to support students in our schools.

  • Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per month for planning + 1-2 hrs per shift at the event
  • Season: SPRING
  • Volunteers promote the event on campus and on social media via the Communications Chair, distribute toe tokens and prizes to Center Street runners, and work at the event.

Teacher & Staff Appreciation (TSAW)
Help us honor our teachers and staff at Center Street. For one week each year, parents focus on acknowledging all the great work the Center Street School team has done for the year.

  • Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per month for planning + 1-2 hrs per shift at the event
  • Season: SPRING
  • Volunteers are needed to help the appreciation team with implementing their ideas for fun and easy ways for students and parents to reward their teachers.
  • Tasks include set up and clean up during the week of appreciation in the teacher/staff lounge, setting up a special lunch and making copies of instructions and helping get the word out.

Art Night
Come get your creativity on with a fun night of art and crafts! This is also a night to create and submit projects for our annual Reflections contest.

  • Time Commitment: 1-2 hour shifts at the event
  • Season: FALL
  • We need help with ideas for projects as well as parents to help staff the event and supervise the activities.

Book Fair
Channel your inner librarian and love for books while helping the school raise money!

  • Time Commitment: 1-2 hrs per shift
  • Season: FALL
  • We need help planning the actual book fair and then staffing the event both during and after school hours.

Family Nights:  The below are examples of events run in the past.  Looking for individuals wanting to take on any of these, or other ideas if there is something specific that could be fun for families to get together.
Daughter’s Night Out (Gals/Pals Dance)
S.N.O. (Son’s Night Out)

Trash Free Tuesdays
Do you care about all things Planet Earth? Are you interested in spending some time on campus, taking care of our environment, and inspiring our kids to “go green?”

  • Time Commitment: 1 hr per wk (Tuesday’s 11:00-1:45 PM)
  • Season: FALL / WINTER / SPRING
  • The program is a group of parent volunteers whose goal is to raise environmental awareness through education, to create a sustainable school, and to encourage students, staff, and parents to “take a step” towards making a difference.
  • We host a variety of events such as Earth Week activities in the Spring, and Walk to School Wednesday celebrations throughout the year.
  • Tuesdays volunteers come during the lunch period, which runs from 11:00AM to 1:45 PM. You can sign up for one segment of lunch or for the whole time. We’d love to see you there, and so would the kids!!!

Nutrition Docent (1 per class)
Help teach our kids about how to eat healthy and make healthy food choices!

  • Time Commitment: 1-2 hrs per month
  • Season: FALL / WINTER / SPRING
  • Every 9 weeks you will be given a lesson plan along with a healthy snack to introduce to your students’ classroom. Coordinate with the teacher for the best day/time. Students love learning about, and especially eating, healthy food!

Safety Patrol
Help our students get to class safely by assisting with morning drop off!

  • Time Commitment: 30-45 minutes 1 day per year
  • Season: FALL / WINTER / SPRING
  • We need parents to supervise the crosswalk by the main office and the horseshoe drive in front of school. Your class will be assigned a specific week, but we can always use help on other mornings too!

Workroom Coordinator
Forget about paper cuts, can you cut & copy like a pro?
Then come get your lamination on!

  • Time Commitment: 1-2 hrs per shift
  • Season: FALL / WINTER / SPRING
  • Help our teachers complete projects and make copies for our students. There are always projects that need to be done and you can come at your own convenience.
  • Also responsible for updating the Staff Lounge whiteboard calendar.