Grade Reps & Room Parents

Grade Representatives & Room Parents roll up to the Classroom Programs Chair and help coordinate communication and activities. For the younger grades there is 1 Rep to assist Room Parents, Detailed Room Parent info here.

As your Cougar approaches promotion the duties will expand in order to support the fundraising needs for 5th grade graduation and beyond. Working as a pair or trio these last two years (4th and 5th grade) makes the role fun and gets the job done efficiently.

Here is a snapshot of what additional duties you can expect as a rep for 4th/5th grades.

Only one year until you’re head of the class! That means, now is the time to start building and saving some funds for 5th grade graduation.

An outline of overall responsibilities:

  • 1-2 fundraiser(s) of choice that will need approval from the CSS PTA.  Reach out to the Fundraising Chair for any assistance.
  • Assisting with 5th Grade promotion setup/tear down needs and overall running of event if there are handouts, check-ins, etc.   The idea is a pay it forward…where you help this year so that next year you too can enjoy your child’s promotion without working it day of.


You’re almost a Cougar Graduate! The main task will be to finish raising funds to provide a great celebration for the students, planning promotion, and planning the end of year celebration.  

An outline of overall responsibilities:

  • In past years the funds have been used for the Promotion Ceremony, a Yearbook for each student, a T-shirt for each student and an end-of-year Picnic.  These are just examples and dependent on funds raised. Reps will decide how best to use funds based on dollars raised.
  • Option to do snack food sales (first choice over 4th grade, if decide not to then 4th grade has the option) before on campus events. 
